Black algae can be a scourge to your swimming pool. It's not very common, but when it does occur, black algae stains are notoriously difficult to remove. Black algae present as black spots in the pool, especially on the liner. Find out all about this pest, including how to remove it.
Characteristics of Black Algae
The black algae that grows in swimming pools is audouinella hermanii, a species of red algae that can present black. According to biologists, black algae favor shaded water. In the wild, it attaches to stream beds. It can get into your swimming pool via a host, usually a bather who's been in a natural body of water. Your dog can also track it into the pool.
Identification of Black Algae
Black algae can look a lot like mold, which can trouble pool owners. However, it attaches to the surface of the pool and presents black or blue-green clumps. You usually see raised heads, like little spines. It likes to establish itself anywhere your pool liner is rough. Indeed, you'll find difficulty in trying to brush the spots off. When you do scrape them off, the algae leave behind a black stain.
Pool Conditions for Black Algae
A clean, well-maintained pool isn't going to develop black algae. Normally the pest shows up in dirty pools where the filter hasn't been functioning properly. It can also grow if you don't run the filtration system every day. You might notice that the water has turned cloudy. The cloudy water is a signal that the water is dirty enough to promote black algae growth.
Removal of Black Algae
The removal of black algae is an involved process partially because the algae develop a coating that protects them from the chlorine. For that reason, many pool owners call pool cleaning specialists.
To remediate the black algae, the pool cleaners will scrub the algae to remove that coating. They start with a brush and then move on to using a chlorine tablet. Next, they shock the pool before adding an algaecide. After running the filter, they brush and shock again. They'll repeat the process until all the algae are gone.
Prevention of Future Black Algae
Once you've gone through the whole process of black algae remediation, you certainly don't want it to return. Make sure your filter stays clean and maintained. Likewise, check your swimming pool's chemistry on a regular basis. If you think your pool is prone to the development of black algae again, consider hiring for regular pool cleaning services.
To learn more about the pool cleaning services provided, contact professionals in your area.